Practical M&E support for MHPSS actors in the field from the IASC MHPSS Reference Group.

The IASC MHPSS RG introduced the MHPSS M&E Helpdesk in 2021 to support uptake and use of the IASC Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for MHPSS in Emergency Settings: With means of verification (Version 2.0).

Who we are

In 2007, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) released the IASC Guidelines on MHPSS in Emergency Settings. Shortly after 2007, the IASC MHPSS Reference Group (IASC MHPSS RG) was established to operationalize and disseminate these Guidelines.

The IASC MHPSS RG, cochaired by WHO and IFRC, is a collaboration of UN Agencies, (I)NGOs, academic partners and other international agencies that work to integrate MHPSS across sectors and advocate with donors and the humanitarian system.

The IASC MHPSS RG supports MHPSS Technical Working Groups and other emergency response actors through calls and missions, surge support and guidance for specific emergencies or specific thematic areas of MHPSS, including MHPSS M&E through this helpdesk.

What we do

The IASC MHPSS RG developed the IASC Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for MHPSS in Emergency Settings to address issues in consistency and quality of MHPSS M&E in humanitarian settings, and later launched the M&E helpdesk to support its uptake. The helpdesk focuses on the following key functions:

The use of the IASC Common M&E Framework

Development of MHPSS M&E project plans or logframes

Selection of appropriate means of verification (i.e., measurement tools)

Dedicated technical support on MHPSS M&E across sectors

The MHPSS M&E Helpdesk intends to provide support for MHPSS actors across humanitarian, preparedness and development contexts globally. All actors are welcome to contact the helpdesk for support and resources.

Over time, the helpdesk will also offer a wide range of resources to support the monitoring and evaluation of MHPSS programmes in addition, including an M&E Orientation video, community of practice and toolkit of other M&E resources.

MHPSS M&E Resources

IASC Common M&E Framework Means of Verification (MoV) Toolkit

The IASC Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for MHPSS Programmes was released for field test in 2017.
The MHPSS Network
Open toolkit

M&E Group on

This group is for sharing resources related to Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research topics.
The MHPSS Network
Open group

Inter-agency Guide to Evaluation of Psychosocial Programming in Emergencies

This guide aims to produce understandable, accessible guidance and tools for the field on how to conduct psychosocial evaluations. It includes simple guidance on evaluation planning, methodologies, analysis of data and sharing and using findings.
Download PDF

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Assessment Guide

Information on collecting MHPSS-related information in assessments, including assessments conducted by other sectors. Includes information on ethical assessments, and details on three tools for use in assessments (desk review; information from general community members; information from key informants)
Inter-agency Standing Committee (IASC) MHPSS Reference Group
Open resource

Monitoring and evaluation framework for psychosocial support interventions

The Framework materials consist of a Guidance Note, Indicator Guide and Toolbox. These aim to support NS in designing relevant M&E systems for psychosocial programmes; in programme planning and the development of PS strategies; and in mainstreaming global reporting of progress on PS programmes.
IFRC Psychosocial Centre
Open resource

Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources: Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings

Twelve tools which can be used to assess MHPSS needs and resources in humanitarian settings. Also includes guidance on assessment methodology and how to translate assessment results into action.
Open resource

MHPSS Evidence-Building Toolkit: Repository

The MHPSS Evidence-Building Toolkit is a collection of tools and resources that can be used to overcome the common barriers and challenges to building MHPSS evidence. The MHPSS Evidence Building Toolkit comprises of two components: a Guidance Document that summarizes the different tools and resources, what they can be used for, and how to access them. Alongside the Repository which includes the resources and tools listed in the Guidance Document.
IFRC Psychosocial Centre
Open resource

MHPSS Evidence-Building Toolkit: Guidance Document

The Guidance document lists the resources and tools included in the Repository and provides the reader with guidance on the use of this MHPSS Evidence-Building Toolkit.
IFRC Psychosocial Centre
Open resource

MHPSS M&E E-learning videos

Video: Orientation on the IASC Common M&E Framework for MHPSS

Orientation on the IASC Common M&E Framework for MHPSS

Video: Demonstrations of the IASC Common M&E Framework

Demonstration of the IASC Common M&E Framework by Alison Schafer
Demonstration of the IASC Common M&E Framework by Alison Schafer
Demonstration of the IASC Common M&E Framework by Eoin Ryan
Demonstration of the IASC Common M&E Framework by Zeinab Hijazi
Demonstration of the IASC Common M&E Framework by Ashley Nemiro
Demonstration of the IASC Common M&E Framework by Sarah Harrison.

Other supports and resources

IASC Reference Group on MHPSS

The following helpdesks are available for technical support, including M&E activities within the sector
Global Protection Cluster HelpdeskProtection AoR HelpdeskGender-Based Violence AoR HelpdeskNutrition Cluster HelpdeskEducation Cluster HelpdeskShelter Cluster HelpdeskWASH Cluster HelpdeskHealth Cluster support

M&E Resources Beyond the IASC RG

M&E e-learning courses

Monitoring and Evaluation Courses for Humanitarian Relief and DevelopmentFree Online Courses and Training about Monitoring & Evaluation in Humanitarian Settings

Supported by

Inter agency standing committee