Why an MHPSS M&E Helpdesk?

Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) operations are rapidly increasing in numerous countries and across multiple sectors. However, there is wide variation in how these MHPSS programmes are monitored and evaluated, if M&E occurs at all. The lack of a common framework for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of MHPSS programmes presented major challenges for demonstrating the impact of diverse interventions as well as making cross-setting comparisons. To address these issues, the IASC MHPSS RG developed the IASC Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for MHPSS in Emergency Settings, which was released for field testing in 2017 and revised in 2021 as the IASC Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for MHPSS in Emergency Settings: With means of verification (Version 2.0), which includes updated guidance and suggested qualitative and quantitative means of verification (MoV) for impact indicators. To accompany the Framework and provide easy access to these MoV, MHPSS.net also developed the MHPSS M&E Framework MoV Toolkit. However, the Common Framework remains a technical document and practical guidance and support in its use has been requested by agencies in the field. Therefore, the IASC MHPSS RG introduced the MHPSS M&E Helpdesk in February 2021. Initial helpdesk topics will include use of the IASC Common M&E Framework, development of MHPSS M&E project plans, including theories of change and log frames, selection of appropriate MoV and many others.

Who facilitates the MHPSS M&E Helpdesk?

In 2007, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) released the IASC Guidelines on MHPSS in Emergency Settings. Shortly aer 2007, the IASC MHPSS Reference Group (IASC MHPSS RG) was established to operationalize and disseminate these Guidelines. The IASC MHPSS RG, cochaired by WHO and IFRC, is a collaboration of UN Agencies, (I)NGOs, academic partners and other international agencies that work to integrate MHPSS across sectors and advocate with donors and the humanitarian system. The IASC MHPSS RG supports MHPSS Technical Working Groups and other emergency response actors through calls and missions, surge support and guidance for specific emergencies or specific thematic areas of MHPSS, including MHPSS M&E through this helpdesk.

The Contact Persons for the MHPSS M&E Helpdesk are:

  • Dr. Rebecca Horn

    Dr. Rebecca Horn (Support in English)

    Rebecca Horn is a psychologist by training, and since 2003 has worked as a community-based MHPSS specialist in humanitarian settings across the world, primarily with people affected by conflict and displacement. She has worked as a freelance MHPSS practitioner since 2009, conducting projects for humanitarian organisations in a wide range of global contexts. Her work has included research, assessments and evaluations; capacity-strengthening initiatives such as training, coaching and mentoring (both in-person and remote); and working directly with organisations to integrate psychosocial approaches into their programmes in various sectors. Alongside her ongoing freelance work, she currently staffs the IASC MHPSS M&E Helpdesk.

  • Dr. Brandon Gray

    Dr. Brandon Gray (Support in English)

    Brandon Gray is a Technical Officer in the Mental Health Unit of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Use at WHO Headquarters. His primary areas of work include mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in emergencies and integration of MHPSS into emergency preparedness and disaster risk management. He has worked as an MHPSS practitioner since 2013 and has experience in conducting research, assessments, monitoring and evaluation in humanitarian settings.

  • Dr. Jorge Castro

    Dr. Jorge Castro (Support in French and Spanish)

    Jorge Castro is a MHPSS specialist consulting at WHO Headquarters. He has collaborated since 2010 with humanitarian and grass root organizations, NGOs and UN agencies working on global mental health, community-based models and emergency settings across the world, and has experience on research, surveillance, capacity building, interventions and preparedness. Currently he supports projects aiming for the integration of MHPSS into disaster risk reduction and provides assistance in Spanish and French through the M&E Helpdesk.

What does the MHPSS M&E Helpdesk provide?

  1. Timely, free and practical support, with each response acknowledged within 24 hours during weekdays.
  2. Referral to global and regional experts, technical working groups and peers via the helpdesk
  3. Links to M&E resources, including country examples and a video learning course (Coming soon!)
  4. Regular updates, including newsletters demonstrating country examples, learning opportunities and a Community of Practice for M&E.

Global focus: The MHPSS M&E Helpdesk intends to provide support for MHPSS actors across humanitarian, preparedness and development contexts globally. All actors are welcome to contact the helpdesk for support and resources.

Available in English: Currently, the MHPSS M&E Helpdesk is only available in English language. The helpdesk aims to expand to additional languages in the near future.

What topics does the MHPSS M&E Helpdesk cover?

  • IASC Common M&E Framework
  • Theory of change and log frames
  • MHPSS project planning
  • MHPSS Means of Verification
  • MHPSS M&E across sectors